Monthly Archives: February 2024

Unusual Suspension System Noises & What They Mean

Unusual Suspension System Noises & What They Mean

Have you ever been driving along, enjoying your favorite tunes, only to be interrupted by a strange noise coming from your car? It's like your vehicle is trying to communicate, but you don't speak "car." One area that often sends signals through sound is the suspension system. Creaking and Groaning When your car starts to sound like an old wooden floor, it's often a sign of aging suspension system components. Creaking and groaning noises can indicate worn-out bushings or ball joints, especially when turning or going over bumps. These components act as cushions and pivot points in your suspension system, and over time, they can dry out or crack. Clunking Sounds A distinct clunking noise when hitting a bump or pothole can signal that something in your suspension system is not as tight as it should be. This could be anything from loo ... read more